Global Communicator

Unser Projekt “Global Communicator” ist ein Video-Podcast, der sich leidenschaftlich der Förderung von Integration und interkulturellem Verständnis verschrieben hat. Unser Ziel ist es Brücken zwischen Kulturen zu bauen und Vielfalt als Bereicherung zu zelebrieren. or



We are a team of international friends who enjoy looking beyond the horizon.

Hello and welcome to my podcast! I'm Marco, a passionate travel enthusiast who loves exploring cultures and sharing my knowledge and insights with my listeners.
As a passionate explorer and culture enthusiast, I have lived and worked in various parts of the world and I am in the happy position to know people from nearly everywhere around the world. 
In dem Video-Podcast “Global Communicator” teile ich meine Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse von meinen Reisen und Gesprächen mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt. Ich spreche mit Experten, Einheimischen und diskutiere die Kultur, die Sprache, die Geographie und die Weltpolitik, die jedes Land so einzigartig machen.
As a language enthusiast and communication expert, I strongly believe that traveling and getting to know people from different cultures can help us expand our own horizons and gain a better understanding of the world around us.
Join us on this journey through the world of international countries. Subscribe to our podcast to receive weekly updates and learn more about the world around us.

Ich bin Regina, die rechte Hand hinter dem Podcast. Als Podcast-Managerin bin ich dafür verantwortlich, dass jeder Aspekt von GLOBAL COMMUNICATOR reibungslos läuft und dass unsere Hörerinnen und Hörer eine unvergessliche Erfahrung machen.
I assist the host with organizing interviews, preparing content, and conducting marketing activities. I ensure that all deadlines are met and that the podcast is regularly and promptly published.
With my passion for podcasts and my commitment to quality and excellence, I ensure that our podcast is one of the leading sources of content for all international travel destinations.


Hannah Peer (Insta: @peerhannah)

Social Media Managerin

Ich bin Hannah, die Social Media Managerin für GLOBAL COMMUNICATOR. Mit meiner Erfahrung in den Bereichen Social Media Marketing und meinen internationalen Reisen sorge ich dafür, dass unsere Inhalte online sichtbar und erfolgreich sind.
I create content for our social media channels to expand our reach and engage our target audience. In doing so, I make sure that the content is adapted to the different platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to achieve the maximum impact.
With my passion for traveling and social media, I make sure that our listeners have unique and unforgettable travel experiences. 

Hannah PeerSocial Media Managerin
Additional services: #Moderation & Event Hosting

With my comprehensive knowledge in event management, communication and entertainment, I bring a unique perspective to every event.

If you are looking for a young moderator for your next event, do not hesitate to contact me. I am available and ready to help create an unforgettable event.
